Singing Guide: Simple Simon

Singing Guide: Simple Simon

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Simple Simon can be a fun and challenging experience. Simon's unique style is known for its smooth, relaxed, and effortless delivery. Simon's voice showcases his impeccable timing and phrasing, allowing him to create a signature sound that is distinct, yet timeless.

To learn to sing like Simple Simon, here are some things you can do:

  1. Analyze your voice

    The first step is to analyze your voice and determine your vocal range. The Singing Carrots Vocal range test can help you determine your vocal range and compare it with Simon's range. You can learn more about analyzing your voice in Singing Carrots' How to analyze your voice article.

  2. Focus on pitch accuracy

    Simon's singing style emphasizes pitch accuracy, so it's important to work on this aspect of your singing. You can use the Singing Carrots Pitch accuracy test to practice singing along a melody and improve your pitch accuracy.

  3. Practice breathing exercises

    Learning to control your breathing is vital for singing like Simple Simon. The Singing Carrots Breathing basics article and Breath support article can help you develop active and passive breathing techniques to improve your breath control.

  4. Work on the mixed voice

    Simon's style is characterized by its use of mixed voice. The Singing Carrots Voice registers & vocal break article can help you understand voice registers and how to transition between them.

  5. Pay attention to mouth and throat

    Finally, to learn to sing like Simple Simon, you need to pay attention to the position of your mouth and throat while singing. Singing Carrots' Open mouth & throat article can provide tips on how to position your mouth and throat while singing.

Practice these techniques with Singing Carrots' resources like:

By focusing on these techniques and using Singing Carrots resources, you will be on your way to singing like Simple Simon in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.